This book had an odd effect on me, both emotionally and psychologically. I can't explain exactly why I enjoyed it so much, especially considering how strange so many aspects of the story were. If someone were to give me a full synopsis of the book, including all the of major details, I'm pretty sure I would have never picked it up.
But I'm so glad that I did. It's a beautifully written story with a heartbreaking tale of family drama and supernatural events based on a past grief that has ripped them apart. This was an emotional roller coaster of a story, with some of the weirdest paranormal and supernatural elements I have ever come across. You know what? It works. It totally works. I was reminded a bit of Lilith by George MacDonald, not in theme or storyline, but in the storytelling itself. Much of it doesn't make complete sense, but somehow it still works.
Had the author chosen a different style of telling this story, I might have balked at the concepts he touches on, possibly placing it in my "Did Not Finish" pile. I honestly didn't expect to like it as much as I did, and I don't think it would be for everyone. If you have read and appreciate the dark storytelling style of Lilith and enjoy books with magical realism and paranormal elements, you should definitely check it out.
I can't explain it, but I truly enjoyed this book. I'm excited to read more by Mr. Gurley, and I can see how Eleanor became a bestseller on Amazon so quickly, even as a self-published book. Good luck to him!